
Question: Trying to find your tg captions links but all I see at the top of your page is home and tg comics.

I know it is really hard to read through a few of my posts. I mean, there are all these pictures of men turned into hot women. I presume you are looking for the gallery or something where it shows only the TG captions? The short answer is that there isn't a gallery. This must be the most asked question and answered. I know this is partially my fault. I should go back to all my posts and edit to remove any mention of a gallery. Ugh, work!

Edit: I just searched through all the posts and removed all mentions of the old gallery. There weren't as many as I thought but somehow those were the posts people read. Funny.


  1. Just a suggestion: I recently created a blog in Tumblr and copied all my captions to there. I still maintain my blogspot blog as my principal blog. The only reason is the fantastic archive function of Tumblr. There you have your gallery! Better and easier to visit is impossible! (Of cours it is some work if you have already quite a number of caps.)

    Go have a look: www.friedoline.tumblr.com

  2. I clicked around and ended up on your blog. I just happened to see this cap: http://tinyurl.com/68hepjy

    Fun stuff. Love it.

  3. I looked at tumblr but I really don't see what is so good about the archive system. From your tumblr site it looks to me just like blogger. You have bigger pictures on your tumblr but that can also be done with blogger. Am I missing something?

  4. Did you look at my tumblr archive? The main page is quite normal. The archive is the thing!


  5. Ah, and I'm happy you like my stuff! I like yours too!

  6. It looks nice with the thumbnails. I take it that each post can only have on TG caption, right?

  7. Well, you can have several jpg's on one post. The thumbnail in the archive then appears tiled. But I found a problem then in tumblr that I haven't solved yet. Don't know if it has a solution. If you have several images ("photos") in the same post, only the first one can be enlaged by clicking on it. That makes it almost unusable for captions. In my case it's not a big problem cause I almost always have one-picture captions.
