
More TG captions and TG comics

Inspired by all the new TG caption guests I created a few more TG captions and a short 4 panel TG comic of my own. On another note, the holidays are here. I wonder what themed TG captions we all can come up with...


A place to express yourself

I just received another series of tg captions that I posted. Since I opened the site to contributions, people have sent me their tg captions every single day. It is great to see that there are other artists out there and that this site is a place to let them express themselves. Thank you to everyone who contributed.


TG captions guests coming in

Some guest tg captions were kind enough to share some more tg captions with us.


New guest tg caption

Thank you very much for answering the call for being a guest tg caption-er! Someone just sent me a tg caption to add to the site. Thank you for sharing your creativity with everyone. I welcome it. I also wanted to let all possible artists that I will not disclose your email or identity. I will simply post the image for you. If you want to share any othe tg captions you may have please feel free to email them to me. If you happen to have many many tg captions I'll even create a folder just for you. Enjoy!


New pink tg captions

I just posted some TG captions to get things started. I found some time to make a few captions. Just 4 to show I have not fallen off the face of the earth.

I have also decided to start opening the site to all artists. If you would like to post some TG captions here for all the readers to enjoy, please contact me.


TG comixxxs is back

After a long absence, technical problems and lack of time, the move is finally complete(ish). It is in a new home and now it is time to just fix some broken link. The blog is up and running full of tg comics and captions. I thank you everyone for all the suggestions. In the end, I decided to move hosts and not use any of the ready-to-set-up services out there (e.g. Yahoo groups, blogger, etc) because I think it gives more flexibility to grow the site.  Thank you for everyone's patience.