
Merry TG holidays for everyone

In the spirit of the Holidays, here it is a TG caption fitting to all the visitors of this site. I wish you all a happy and merry holidays and that you all get what you wish for! Ho! ho! ho!


News of this site death have been greatly exagerated.

Hello everyone,

I'm back again with more TG captions for everyone. It has been quite some time but the site is still alive and kicking because I still have this fantasy and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. But as with many fantasies it comes and goes and sometimes it just stays dormant. Or sometimes I just do not have enough time to make as many TG captions as I'd like to because I'm busy with other things, or I'm looking around the web reading other people's TG captions. But fear not, here are a few more captions for you all.


TG caption

I'm following up our guest's TG cap with a few of my own.


3 TG captions from our guest Rae

Rae, one of the guests in this site, wanted to share 3 new TG captions with us.  This TG caption I found particularly creative with the use of the image. Great job. Enjoy.


TG captions

Here are more TG captions and 2 more from one of our guests (Rae). I got a few emails to continue the TG comic Team Member and it has been in my mind. I'm trying! Honest. In the meantime, thank you for all your patience and enjoy these caps.


Another TG caption

Just to keep the TG juices flowing. Enjoy.


Back making TG captions

While I still decide whether to recover my hard disk or not, here are some new TG captions to keep you entertained and a 2 panel TG comic. I'll still kicking and alive making TG captions! Long live TG captions!


Hard disk problems

I know it has been some time since I last updated the blog. I recently updated my computer and the hard disk where all my files are now is not being recognized by the computer (new CPU and motherboard). I'm trying the hard disk in several other computers to try to recover all my files. That has been keeping me busy. Hoepfully, it will soon be fixed and I'll make some caps. Thank you everyone for your patience.


3 two page TG captions

Just made another 3 two page TG captions and a few more single panel TG captions for your enjoyment.


TG caption: really short skirt

Love to wear something like this.


TG captions: #600 and one year old.

Here are 5 more TG captions for your enjoyment. Now, it has been more than a year that I started making captions. How time goes by fast! It has been an enjoyable creative outlet and I hope that you have enjoyed my work as well. In this post, it is my TG caption #600, if I count number of pages made. Enjoy.

TG comic: Pranked Or Not

I hope you enjoy this short 4 page TG comic.

When Brian makes the mistake of courting a local thug's little sister, he finds himself in a dangerous situation. Hiding with the help of his friend may be the only solution. But his friend is a jokester or is he?


Fixed site but messed it up too

As I said in my last post the site was having issues in only displaying a maximum of 155 TG captions. I finally gave up and deleted it and load it up again. Now it works. The drawback is that it lost all the statistics and it scrambled the TG captions that were in there.


Upgrading TG caption blog

I uploaded some more TG captions to the site but found out that the folders have a limit of 155 photos, which shouldn't be the case. I'm going to try to fix it sometime this week so if you see weird things that is because I'm playing around with it.


A short TG comic and more cap

Just wanted to let you all know that I posted a another short TG mini series caption and some more single caps. I dabbled with photoshop and I hope you enjoy the different look.


TG Comic: A Bet is a Bet

Inspiration struck this week and I made this short mini TG series. Be extra careful when you gamble and your bets. Enjoy!


Lots of plenty of new captions.

For all the times that I ran out of creativity, there is nothing like making TG captions for other people for a challenge. Here it is several multi-panel short TG comics and a few more TG captions.

I now have created 527 TG caption panels!


Lots of more TG captions

I've been playing around a lot at RachelsHaven which in turn translates to a lot of TG captions. If you followed me there then you might have seen them there. If not, nothing like my blog to have then all neatly in one place.

Someone recently posted this comment: "What the hell is this web site. You're a freak dude, just get the sex change. It's obvious you want to." But looking at the poll, it seems that the majority of this blog's readers are heterosexuals. Do plastic surgeons offer group discounts? We would have to rent a bus to take us all over there.


RachelsHaven is cool.

Perhaps many of you already know about RachelsHaven.com. For the ones that do not know,  it is yet another place to create, share and view great TG captions. Two days ago I started dabbling in it and now I do have a trading cap folder over there if you are interested. The way it works is that you create a TG caption for me and in return I'll do the same for you. These are two TG captions I recently made not to mention that "Massage Parlor" was made for Bren as a TG caption trade.

If you want, you can also just send me an email for any captions requests/preferences you may have. Do you have a good plot for a TG comic? Let me know. Let's get those creative juices flowing!


TG comic: Massage Parlor

For Brian going to massage parlors was going to be a completely different experience. He should have kept away from them. Bad idea to mix lies, massages and witches. Enjoy this short TG comic.

As, as you probably noticed, I addeda  poll to the blog. I'm curious to find out who reads my blog and you're probably curious about it too.


TG captions and white lingerie

There is nothing like a good looking lady walking on heels and a white sexy lingerie. This TG caption says it all.

Enjoy this and the other TG captions I just added to the blog.


From comixxxs.com to tgcomix.com

For a long time this blog was comixxxs.com but that doesn't really capture the TG'ness of it so I'm transitioning to a new more TG'er name - TGcomix.com. I apologize if you ran into broken links and glitches. I'm going through everything and fix them all. Thank you for your patience and for visiting the site.

For anyone who linked or bookmarked to www.comixxxs.com, I kindly ask you to please update your links to www.tgcomix.com when you find time.


One TG caption

Just thought I'd put up a quick TG caption to keep everyone entertained.  I've been surfing the web and I'm happy to see that there are lots of TG caption blogs being created. Good job to everyone who takes the time to make some captions!


TG caption: possession

Here is another tg caption for your enjoyment.You go in for some fun possession and you get results they might just not be the ones that you expected! That is why magic is always risky, specially in the TG universe.


TG captions and comic

I had some free time so I made some more TG captions and comic. I know everyone waits for teammember to continue but these short one panel tg captions are always a nice break for me and hopefully for all of you. I also started saving the tg captions in a higher quality setting so they look better.


TG comic: Team Member part 4

Here it is the long awaited and request next chapter of the TG Comic Team Member! Shawn continues in his adventures doing everything he can to get into the team but is he ready for the things that are being done to him?

I know it took a long time. But as you all know, life happens. And unfortunately, TG captions is not my work and it doesn't pay the bills. But enough of reality! Enjoy this segment. There is only one more part remaining.


new tg captions

Here are a few more captions from me. I know... I know... why no one finishes their work anymore regarding Team member? At least for me, captions are made somewhat on a whim when I see pictures that I like with a combination of an idea of a story. I don't think anyone purposedly does not finish their tg caption. I hate when stories are left unfinished and I keep on working on Team member whenever I have time and inspiration. In the meantime enjoy these tg captions. Thanks!


TG captions guests

Just posted a few more captions from some of the readers. May of you, TG captions guest artist, take the time to make the captions. Some of them will inadvertently be better than others. We all have our good days and bad days. I want to keep this site open to all levels of artistry so do not be shy about making something and sharing it with everyone.


More TG captions

Here another TG caption some from me.