
Isn't she cute?

While surfing the internets I ran into the pictures of this boy/girl transformation. It got me thinking how amazing some people can transform into something other than themselves. Or is it transform into themselves? Enjoy the pictures and let your imagination go wild. Maybe one day you'll send me pictures of your transformation.


Click on the post to see all the pictures. It is well worth it.

Oh my god! It's Justin Bieber!

I think he looks much better as a she. You probably laughed at me when you read the title of the post and then saw the first picture. I ask you again, isn't she cute? ;-)

I also wanted to add that the pictures were taken very well to accentuate his femininity.


  1. Quite an amazing transformation. I wonder how long that transition took.

  2. @Simone, Yes, it would have been great if he/she had a blog for us to follow. Alas, only the pictures I showed you were to be found. No other information.

  3. LOL, yes she is cute... now. It obviously took a lot of effort but she seems to enjoy the results. <3 SSA

  4. wow that is amazing...was not a great looking guy but she is a beautiful girl!
