
3 two page TG captions

Just made another 3 two page TG captions and a few more single panel TG captions for your enjoyment.


  1. It isn't clear what are the new Single page caps. They seem mixed in with the older ones

  2. I understand the mix. The problem is the way I started to sort them to begin with. Can either sort by name (which is what it is now) or time it was loaded. If I do it as time loaded then sometimes it doesn't keep the pages in order because for whatever reason it loads them randomly. I will try to fix it, but just thought I'd let you know there is a technical reason for the madness.

  3. Oh I knew that - could you tell me which ones are the new ones so I can find them?
    I am sorry for your technical difficulties

  4. I rearranged them so that the new ones will be in the last pages.

  5. Love your work!
    My fave is Team Member, when is next chapter coming?
    I appreciate that it's difficult, and takes time, but I enjoy it sooooo much!

  6. I know it's been quite some time and I really should be working on the next chapter. I have it in mind and it is in my priority list.

  7. It has been a really long time since the last update; what's going on?

  8. my favorite is team member too, cant wait for the next chapter!!!
